Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Modelling

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a recognised advanced analysis tool that simulates fluid motion and heat transfer using numerical approaches.
Training and Technical Support

Experience is fundamental in today’s constantly changing, dynamic engineering environment and it is important that consultants have the experience and skills to translate expertise into solutions that will work for the client.
Vapour Remediation Systems

Our design, engineering and construction management capabilities offer rapid response vapour mitigation services at petroleum and chlorinated hydrocarbon vapour intrusion sites.
Gas Collection and Leachate Management

The design of appropriate landfill gas and vapour intrusion mitigation and management measures are becoming routine requirements in the planning and construction process at ‘gassing’ sites.
Construction Quality Assurance

Core work closely with all relevant stakeholders, including product suppliers, before and during construction to establish an acceptable design approach, specification and construction method.
Basement Waterproofing Design

Basements, particularly in cities, are progressively being used for activities that are much more sensitive and susceptible to damp and water ingress
Landfill Gas and Vapour Mitigation Design

We have contributed to the development of much of the current guidance relating to ground gas risk assessment and mitigation design and we have an excellent track record in the delivery of exemplary and innovative mitigation designs.
Technical Consulting

Members of our team are recognised leaders the field of landfill gas risk assessment, landfill gas and vapour intrusion mitigation design.
Biogas Systems

Our range of biogas and leachate management systems are designed and manufactured to the highest standards.